The entire Mandatory Disclosure Information desired by circular No. JS/PS/PKL/2016 has been uploaded on CBSE website.

Rewards and Reminders

Reminder about School Discipline

The school discipline system is based on the premise that there are consequences for actions. It endeavors to be consistent and fair and is guided by the ‘principle of natural justice’. For the school community to operate as a safe learning environment where all strive for personal excellence, it is important that clear boundaries are established. While rewards are for motivating the students to sustain good actions and consistently strive for better behavior and efforts, reprimands are in order to check undesired actions on the part of the wrong doer and to deter other students from doing the same.


A green star will be awarded to a student for exemplary behaviour and performance within the classroom, the school campus, inside bus, at bus stop, while representing the school outside the campus, etc. Any teacher can bestow a green star on a student. The green stars will be displayed in classes and will be awarded on monthly basis. The teacher may give it in the following cases:

Good Behaviour – Being well-mannered with fellow students, teachers and other staff, abiding by the school rules, transport rules, resource centre rules, etc., completing assignments, homework (if any), class work, projects on time, helping out teachers and fellow students, etc. amounts to good behaviour.

Attendance – 100% attendance in a month.

Effort in class – Taking interest in classroom learning and other activities, taking initiative to keep classroom and surrounding areas clean, taking care of class room properties, informing the class teacher promptly in case any class room property is damaged or tempered with, contributing in the preparation of classroom display boards, etc.

Improvement in grades – Improvement in grades/marks in a particular subject from the last assessment.

Healthy Eating – Following strictly the prescribed menu, using dustbins, washing hands before and after lunch, maintaining proper hygiene, etc.


Careless and untidy works, incomplete/non-submission of class work or home work, projects, assignments, holidays homework, digi class work (if assigned) or any other work assigned by the teacher, indicating a general lack of effort in academics and pupil initiative may lead to the issue of a red star by any teacher. This will also apply for not bringing of books, notebooks, late return of library books, damaging school property, etc. Also for abusing continuously, wearing untidy or incomplete uniform poor behaviour with teachers and fellow students.


A student who gets 3 red stars indicating a sustained lack of effort in academics and pupil initiative shall be liable for the issue of a red card. Along with the card, a letter is also sent to the parents and a copy of the filed in the student’s personal life.

A student on a red card has to have the appropriate column in the card signed by the subject teacher concerned at the end of each period, on each day of the week during which the student is on a red card. If progress during the week is satisfactory, at the discretion of the Principal, the red card may be discontinued at the end of the week. In extreme cases the red card may be given directly by the Principal.